Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Republic of Pacifica (Intro post)

A Concept Mapping of Pacifica

The Republic of Pacifica is the consolidation of a number of growing political movements to bring the West Coast (Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California) into one independent nation.

The West Coast is considered a safety net for Left leaning power, which as of now is struggling to fight growing Right power, to little success.  This is not from ineptitude of the former party, but of ignorance of the peoples true needs and wants in favor of corporate lobbying and surrender to the right, thus the constituents support is lost.

Still, as these states/ counties are powerful Left leaning political influences in their respective governments, they are also seen as a threat to the growing number of Rightist Regressive Politicians that influence such radicalization onto their constituents, who then threatens the private citizen.

This constant flux of Leftist/Rightist power of administrations has become a predicted pattern that only fuels rabid, slanderous talk among the people, with the Politicians pulling our strings.  Between reliance by the Left for remaining power and unforeseeable chaos to be sought by the Right, we find our interests to form the Republic of Pacifica not only to save leftist power, but to truly cater to the power and influence of the common people in such a manner. 

The idea of Pacifica is a reformation of the West Coast, with people united in ideals and fraternity, and remind us of the concept of the Republic and rediscover of the direct influence of Democracy, rooted in the interest and needs of the people

The Republic of Pacifica (Intro post)

A Concept Mapping of Pacifica The Republic of Pacifica is the consolidation of a number of growing political movements to bring the W...